Herman's Grooten amazing bundle (4 books) collection!! | Books for chess
Herman’s Grooten amazing bundle (4 books) collection!!
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Herman’s Grooten amazing bundle (4 books) collection!!

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Four diamond books which should be in every chess collection! All together in one amazing offer.

Understanding before Moving: Part 1 - Herman Grooten


Volume 1 in a new series by Herman Grooten

Understanding before Moving Part 2 Queens Gambit Structures - Herman Grooten


“In my view the average club player will be more pleased with an opening book in which a profusion of ideas is offered. If this is also structured, you can hope that the readers will acquire the necessary understanding of standard positions.” ~ Herman Grooten

Understanding before Moving 3.1 Sicilian Structures – The Najdorf and Scheveningen - Herman Grooten


“But I am writing for an audience that, by and large, is not interested in chess as a memory contest. So I’m not going to offer you lots of novelties and dense variation trees. On the contrary. The approach is to take the reader into the seemingly impenetrable labyrinth of variations without flinching, but then to base my comments on plans and concepts instead of computer analysis.” ~ Herman Grooten

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A collection of four amazing books which deserves to be acquired by every chess player! Herman Grooten and this exceptionally good collection offer the reader a rare chess material.

1)UNDERSTANDING BEFORE MOVING Part 1 A wild and original idea is often not a successful idea. This is true not only for chess, but also for a chess book author. However, we believe that the main idea behind this book will be very important for the average player.

As a coach of young and adult players, I watch a lot of my students’ games and I have noticed that many of them have a lot of knowledge in opening. However, once their opponent deviates from the theory, they are in the dark. Why how should they continue the game?

This book series is relevant to this central question: What matters in the opening? What plans are available? What (hidden) patterns are available in the particular position, which arose immediately after the opening


Herman Grooten says:

“In my view, the average advanced player will be happiest with a first book in which a wealth of ideas is offered. If it is also structured, you can hope that readers will gain the necessary understanding of the standard positions. Based on this guideline, developing a repertoire opening could easily turn into an enjoyable hobby. Together with my Belgian chess player D. Vanheirzeele, I am able to discuss the background of openings in a much more detailed way. This is something I could not do in my article series due to lack of space.”



In this book you will find the Najdorf and Scheveningen variants, which are more similar to each other and even have some overlap. But before we go any further, we need to open up a little question: why play Sicilian at all?

As covered in the 1st understanding before moving , there is nothing wrong with 1.e4 e5. This is still true today. However, it does seem to be strong players playing against lower rated players. Black sometimes finds it difficult to create enough chances to win. Therefore, many players play the Sicilian alongside their main option: sometimes a sharp match is what is needed!


This book is essentially a continuation of Herman Grooten’s previous book on Sicilian. In the previous volume Grooten analysed Najdorf and Scheveningen. Then in this volume he analyses in depth three extremely popular systems: Taimanov, Kan and Richter-Rauzer. Sequences played by players of all levels from beginners to top grandmasters!

As in the previous books in the series, the reader will encounter a wide range of analysed games. The basic idea is to understand the secrets of the opening and the positions which arise in the middle. A fantastic book to complement the Understanding Before Moving series!

Each book on its own but even more so a combination of all make an excellent addition to your library!

Additional information

Understanding before Moving: Part 1 - Herman Grooten

Release date



Number of Pages


Understanding before Moving Part 2 Queens Gambit Structures - Herman Grooten

Release date



Number of Pages


Understanding before Moving 3.1 Sicilian Structures – The Najdorf and Scheveningen - Herman Grooten

Release date



Number of Pages
