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Power of Tactics - bundle | Chess Tactics

The Power of Tactics Bundle

Μια σπουδαία 3τομη σειρά εκμάθησης και εξάσκησης τακτικών που πολύ γρήγορα έγινε must-buy κάθε σκακιστικής βιβλιοθήκης.

Tactics_awaken_Faik_Aleskerov_Arkadij_Naiditsch | Chess Book Tactics

Tactics awaken – Faik Aleskerov , Arkadij Naiditsch

[caption id="attachment_11718" align="alignnone" width="70"] Sample[/caption]

The book introduces 10 common tactical topics in chess and allows the reader to learn a lot of new ideas and practice them throughout exercises in increasing strength.