In the second volume of the book “A Practical Black Repertoire with Nf6, g6, d6” the author Alexei Kornev analyses variations in which White plays mainly 1.d4, 2.c4.
As Black’s main weapon for dealing with this system he suggests the King’s Indian Defence. The King’s Indian Defence is the correct opening choice in case one wants to play for victory. There is indeed some strategic risk (Black complies with a somewhat constricted position…), but all the positions of the medium are very complex and allow Black to think not only about equality, but also about capturing the initiative.
Kornev includes in his analyses many batches of correspondence that may be unfamiliar to readers.
Combined with Part One, the reader will gain a complete repertoire on Black. He will largely understand both the strategic ideas and the patterns that comprise these kinds of positions.
More books on the opening can be found HERE.